This Paris Star was my fourth Gold medal collection, it includes the years from 1852 to 1876. There are at the moment 96 Exhibition pages from these years already made - my final target is 8 frames/ 128 A4 pages, so I will add them here, one at the time, as soon as I am able to finalize them.

Scope and Content: On January l, 1849, France began the use of adhesive postage stamps as the accepted method of prepaying for the use of all postal services. For 28 years the French Postal Service produced an endless number of ever-changing postal markings that tell the growth of the French Postal Service and records the history of France during this period. Of all the postal markings, the most beautiful and memorable is the Paris Star cancellation - I fell in love with it at first sight. 

 Focus: The next 96 exhibition pages tell a story about the Star Cancellations of Paris during the years 1852–1876 – birth, life, and death.

 The following pages will present all types of Star cancellations used by the Paris Post Offices are to be found, as well as endless number of date cachet cancellations and their varieties. Through the successive and seemingly constant changes of these cancellations, the growth of the Paris Postal System can be traced. Each new series of cancellations reflected the addition of new Bureaus and their name changes until 1876, when Bureau Central and 39 Sub-Bureaus made up the Paris Postal System that used the Star Cancellations and their accompanying date cachets. 

 Rare and unique items, cancellations and markings, uncommon routings, and lots of unusual destinations are featured in this exhibit. Notable items are highlighted in RED frames. 

Today, on the 22.8.2020 I started this collection from zero and my goal is five frames.

21.7.2021 The 6-frames collection is now ready for exhibitions

14.8.2021 On first appearance, It received a Gold Medal (Savofila2021 - 88 points), also on the second apperance 2024 from Paris (90 points).


Ceres by Mazelin (Large Vermeil-collection)


Papal States 1850-1870 / Gold Medal - collection